By default all birds active during the current season are presented.
BirdsFrom the left-hand menu one or several birds can be selected, whose route you want to see (or exclude).
By clicking on a bird species, an individual name, or the icons of the birds on the map, the introduction to the selected species or individuals will open; the selection is also shown on the map.
Clicking on a bird icon on the map shows its flight distance since the beginning of the season and additional information if inserted.
To launch animation click the button

. To stop click button

Season and year
can be changed by buttons below the time line:
- Migration season
N - spring, S-autumn
- Selection of the year

Animation can be shown starting at any time during the season by selecting a date on the time line. Settings
To open settings menu select "Settings" in left-hand menu or click button
Within settings you can change:
- Show path - shows or hides routes of the birds. Default: Show.
- Trace path - displays and zooms map so that routes of all birds are visible in map view. Default: Not traced.
- Speed - change animation speed. Default 1x.
In case of problems or questions, please don't hesitate to contact:
Author of photos: Urmas Sellis, unless otherwise stated.